
2022 FISCO BCOS Industry Application White Paper Reveals Blockchain Application Solutions by BimOnChain Technology

2022 FISCO BCOS Industry Application White Paper Reveals Blockchain Application Solutions by BimOnChain Technology

On March 10, 2023, the “2022 Industrial Blockchain Annual Summit and FISCO BCOS Fifth Anniversary Ecological Conference” co-hosted by WeBank and Shenzhen Financial Blockchain Development Promotion Association (referred to as “Golden Chain Alliance”) under the guidance of the Shenzhen Local Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau was successfully held in Shenzhen. At this conference, the Golden Chain Alliance released the “2022 FISCO BCOS Industry Application White Paper”, showcasing FISCO BCOS as the leading domestic financial-grade blockchain underlying platform and its innovative applications and achievements in various industry sectors.

BimOnChain Technology, as one of the ecological partners of FISCO BCOS, participated in the writing of the “2022 FISCO BCOS Industry Application White Paper” and shared its construction process settlement solution based on Building Information Modeling (BIM) and blockchain technology.

It is reported that BimOnChain Technology was established in March 2020 and is a company mainly engaged in technology promotion and application services. The company is committed to combining BIM and blockchain technology to create a transparent, efficient, and secure construction process settlement platform. The platform can realize the sharing, verification, and certification of data from all parties in the construction process, and complete settlement and payment automatically through smart contracts. The platform can effectively solve problems such as information asymmetry, lack of trust, and delayed funding in the construction process, and improve construction quality and efficiency.

The head of BimOnChain Technology stated that participating in the writing of the “2022 FISCO BCOS Industry Application White Paper” is recognition and encouragement of their innovative capabilities and social value. They will continue to explore more possibilities of blockchain technology in the construction industry with the FISCO BCOS ecosystem and contribute to the development of the digital economy.

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